Monday, June 10, 2013

Where's The Fun In That?

A lot of you know that I don't drink anymore.

By that I mean I'll have a glass of wine once a month if that.
The last time I had a mixed drink? More than a year ago.
I'll have a beer if I go to a brewery or to a bar..but let me tell you how often that is.
I do enjoy alcohol--don't get me wrong! I think there are appropriate times to drink, but I always drink in moderation now. I couldn't tell you the last time I had more than 2 adult beverages in a night. Actually, I probably could. And it was over a year ago. 

Do I judge you if you drink?
Well, maybe. But only if you're belligerent. 

Do I still want to hang out with you if you're drinking and I'm not?
Of course! 
Well, unless you're belligerent. 

It doesn't bother me one little bit to be the girl drinking water when everyone else is slamming down beers/vodka sprites/wine coolers.

So, why does it bother you?

I had my days (however short lived) of partying and thinking it was funny to have a little too much to drink.
But not anymore.

This weekend I heard "where's the fun in that?" in regards to me not drinking. 

Well, here's my answer:
I just don't see the fun in drinking until you're sick.
Do you like throwing up?
I didn't think so. Me either.
I just don't see the fun in being around people that are falling over they are so drunk.
Do you like making fun of people in a vulnerable state? 
You might. I don't. It's sad.
I just don't see the fun in watching girls lose all sense of their morals after one too many fruity drinks.
Do you like watching someone "hook up" with a complete stranger?
I don't.
I just don't see the fun in passing out in a lawn chair instead of in my bed.
Do you like sleeping outside in the cold over in a warm bed?
You might, I doubt it...but you might. I don't.

I just don't see the fun in waking up extremely 
Do you like feeling like crap in the morning? 
I don't.

Maybe it's because I feel like I've grown out of it.
Maybe it's because I don't feel the need to forget the night. 
Maybe it's because I don't like what it does to my body/skin/overall health.

Whatever my reasons are--what matters is that I never regret not drinking the night before.
Have you ever regretted drinking the night before? 

Be safe, y'all! 



  1. SOUNDS like great choices but someones losing they're country a bit ;)

    1. Last I checked country didn't mean drunk! ;) I'm still every bit a country girl. Thankyouverymuch.

  2. Hmmm.. wonder what prompted this? Sounds like someone needs to hang out with people their own speed.

    1. A camping weekend/event with a filled camp ground is what prompted it. I had a fantastic time! Just some thoughts when looking around at everyone. :)

  3. If you don't want others to judge your choice, then don't judge their choice. Food for thought! Or rather, drink for thought!

    1. Whoa now! Definitely not judging anyone's choices. I was just saying my thoughts and feelings.

    2. Just couldn't discount the hypocrisy of it all. That's all.

  4. I feel the same way these days!! :)
